Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Week 28 and 29: Ice Ice Baby

Week: 29
Weight:166 (Pre-pregnancy weight=125)
Cravings: Anything cold. Ice water. Ice cream. Shaved ice.
SnoBiz-Finally was able to satisfy this craving last night with a scrumptious Bahama Mama sno cone. I want one every day now until the end of my pregnancy. It is so refreshing with this warmer weather as my pregnant body seems to have turned into a hotbox.
Ice cream-Today, I had a small moment of sadness thinking that in a matter of weeks it may no longer be acceptable to eat ice cream everyday...I mean not that I've been doing that or anything.
Body changes: Swelling. Stretch marks. Each morning, I wake up and see just a little more of a ring of stretch marks around my belly button. Past the point of no return. Might as well keep eating the ice cream now.
Rose (good thing that happened) and thorn (bad thing) of the week:
Rose-My mom held a baby shower for me this past weekend. Great times and lots of gifts!
Thorn-I officially trumped Josh on the scale. I weigh more than him. I know I know...I have 2 humans inside me so it's okay; it's just weird.

28 weeks
29 weeks

2 more weeks in the books! We have officially made it to week 30. I am so grateful to have reached this point in the pregnancy and can breathe a small sigh of relief to have made it this far. Obviously, we want them to stay in there for several more weeks, but they are getting stronger and healthier each day that God blesses us with them in there.
Ultrasound at 29 weeks

We went to our ultrasound last Thursday, and we found out that Baby A weighs 3 lbs and 15 ounces and Baby B weighs 3 lbs and 13 ounces. Holy cow! That's almost 8 lbs of baby hanging out in my womb. No wonder it is feeling so cramped down there and that I have to pee every hour...or when I hear running water...or just think about water. Seriously...I think I went to the bathroom 10 times today. The doctor said "yeah these are some big babies". He was very impressed with their size and said everything seemed great with my pregnancy so far and to continue like normal with work and life. Oh and they are both HEAD DOWN! This is great news. However, I resigned myself to thinking I was having a c-section, and now, I'm getting a little scared about the thought of having them naturally. I'm sure I can get through it just like the rest of the pregnancy. It's just....TWO babies out of ONE hole?! Oh boy. Oh boy. lol. We will start having an appointment every week on out though to keep an eye on the twins.Now, that we are at 30 weeks I'm starting to realize I need to get my butt in gear to get everything ready for the arrival of the boys at work and at home. So much to do, so little time. I literally could have to go on bedrest at any time.

Me and Erin
We went back home this weekend for my baby shower. On Saturday, I was able to attend my cousin Erin's baby shower. It is pretty awesome that we get to share in the whole pregnancy experience at the same time. She is expecting with a boy due in July, and I am expecting with 2 boys in July (which will come in May or June). Her friends threw her an adorable baseball-themed baby shower with some delicious baseball theme food and a margarita mocktail that totally temporarily satisfied my craving for margaritas.

My mom threw together an awesome baby shower on Sunday. In her usual Mary Havin style, she had the full food spread and those famous Mary Havin cookies. Ashley also contributed with some delicious homemade salsa and snickerdoodles, and Josh even did his part with the bacon wrapped weenies. My favorite part was probably the cake though. It was so good I had a slice for each of the boys. ha. It turned out to be a beautiful, hot day for the shower, and there was a great turnout of family and friends that made me feel super special. We feel so blessed to know so many awesome people and to have received such great gifts. Thanks again mom and everyone who helped make the day special for Josh and I and the twins. We are looking forward to unpacking all the gifts this week and filling up the near-empty nursery.
Twice as much to love, Two blessings from above!
So many gifts! :)

Love my parents!

Let's see....besides that stuff....I can't really remember too much from the last 2 weeks. My feet/ankles/legs have started to swell starting this past week. Josh is being an amazing husband as usually and forcing me to prop up my feet on the couch while he cleans and does chores. As I type, he is folding laundry. He is a true blessing. He is getting very antsy to meet the boys and start playing with them.

Well...I need to go to bed. Have a blessed week!


  1. I still have a ton of gift bags from my baby shower nearly 14 years ago, ha Time sure does go by fast! I so enjoy reading your blog! Best wishes to you guys!

    1. That's funny! I can only imagine. Time is finally starting to go by faster as the arrival of the boys nears. :) Thanks Ms. Krimmel!
