Monday, June 2, 2014

Week 30, 31, 32, and 33: Are We There Yet?

Swollen feet/ankles. Blah.
Weight:175 (Pre-pregnancy weight=125)
Cravings:You know what I'm really craving? The ability to wear shorts and tanks and have my thighs not rub together and sweat like a fiery inferno and be able to lay on my stomach. I'm craving my old body. Currently sitting on the couch as one of the twins protrudes from the right side of my stomach making it uncomfortable to sit on the couch. How does it become uncomfortable to sit on a COUCH?! Who knew that was possible.
Body changes: Well as you can see, I've gained a fabulous 50 lbs so that's fun. I have a wide ring of stretch marks around my belly button. Coming to terms that they may never go away, but I'll have 2 kids to make them worth it. :) Feet and ankles getting very swollen last couple weeks. Annoying because I can only fit in flip flops now.
Rose (good thing that happened) and thorn (bad thing) of the week:
Rose-Over the last 4 weeks, there have been many awesome things that have happened: 2nd baby shower, gift from my coworkers in my dept, gift from some very sweet Prime Drivers, and much much more.
Thorn-I only get up around 6 to 7 times per night to pee and adjust my baby bump from one side to the next. I mean...who needs sleep anyway? I guess this is just prep for my future.
31 weeks
30 weeks

32 weeks
33 weeks

It's funny how time can seem to go so slow and so quickly at the same time. I can't believe I missed 4 weeks of blogging. I know you all were sitting on the edge of your seats, refreshing your webpage over and over, hoping that I would post something. lol. I figured it was time to sit and get at least one more blog out before my bundles of joy arrive.

Cute & creepy baby game

My sisters Ashley and Amanda put together a really great baby shower for me a few weeks ago. I loved the cute detail they put into the shower, and it was so nice to sit with my friends and family and get more excited about the Mueller boys coming into the world. My favorite part had to be the game we played with miniature babies in ice cubes only because it was cute and wildly creepy at the same time. Everybody got a cube with 2 babies, and when the ice cube melted, you exclaim "my water broke".
Delicious punch
Amanda's adorable diaper cake

Coworkers threw me a SWEET food day at work! :)
The nursery is starting to really come together. We put away all of the gifts from our baby showers and that we've received from our coworkers into the closet. These boys are definitely lucky to have so many wonderful, generous people in their lives. We bought 2 matching comforter sets for their buy one get one free beds, and I think it makes the room really look like it's ready for the boys. It's gonna be a whale of a good time...or lack of sleep! Whatever. :)
During the last few weeks, for some reason, I kept thinking "oh it's gonna happen" pretty much everyday. 3 Fridays ago I had my first Braxton Hicks at work. I was walking to the bathroom and had to lean against a pole and stop. I had a few more that day, and then they went away. The next Friday, Josh and I went out to eat and as soon as we got seated, I started having Braxton Hicks again. They lasted about an hour and then moved to my back. We were like "oh THIS is it". And then the pains went away. Since then, I really haven't had any signs or pains at all. Don't get me wrong...I'm so happy that I made it to this point with no issues. I just assumed that I would go early with twins or have some issues or something. God has blessed me with one heck of a body that can grow 2 humans at once. Pretty amazing what the human body can do.

Last week, my mom sent me the birth notes from my birth. I didn't know that she did this, but she had 5 pages of typed up birth notes on her experience with me. I went from crying to laughing back to crying as I read them. I loved getting to read her thoughts about the experience, and it made me way more excited about my birthing experience to come. Most of the laughter came from her talking about my dad's multiple trips to go eat food or sneak food or snacks while she couldn't eat at all during her 18-hour labor with me. Now, every time I eat a meal, I think to myself "this could be my last supper so I better eat a lot just in case". That could explain my nonstop weight gain. Ha.

We had an ultrasound last Thursday and the boys are weighing 5 lbs 2 ounces and 5 lbs 3 ounces. THAT'S TEN LBS of BABY in there. No wonder why it's a bit uncomfortable. Both babies are still head down which is great because it mean I can try to have them naturally (well non C section). That could change with any complications, but it's great that I can at least try. My doctor said everything looks great and that I was doing a good job. That was pretty much all he said. It almost makes me more nervous because of how laid back he is. I guess he knows what he is doing so I'll trust his laidbackness.
My sister's set of identical twins turn 1 on June 6th!  Would be pretty crazy if our sets were both born on the same day a year apart.
Today marks the 34 week mark which my doctor said was the goal for twins for their organs and especially their lungs to be developed. Obviously, every day extra in there is better, but we are in the home stretch! I am so ready to meet these boys. Josh is anxious to meet them as well. I can't wait to see him hold them in his arms. We've started taking walks around the neighborhood this weekend, and I'm back to taking the stairs at work instead of waiting for the slow elevator. Doctor said he will schedule an induction if we make it to 36 weeks. I don't feel like my body can stretch that much more without bursting. I told Josh I was informed that sex can bring on labor. I think he got a little too excited about the chance of that when I mentioned it. Hopefully, they'll make their appearance so we don't have to resort to that. I mean...I don't exactly feel like a sex goddess right now. LOL

I'm so excited to raise kids with this guy!
 Hope you have a wonderful week! Thanks for reading.


  1. Enjoy the last few days (weeks?) of your pregnancy! It's a wonderful experience that not all women get to experience. Also, just remember, a few more weeks of you being uncomfortable keeps them from the nicu. Motherhood is sacrifice to the extreme! You look wonderful; and you're going to do great! Apparently you girls were made for this twin thing :)

  2. You make me laugh and cry in these posts! I laugh because I can see the animation on your face while describing all this and cry because I went thru a lot of the same and even though ours came at 33 weeks (and will be 2 in 4 months) I honestly miss it! Enjoy it, it all goes by SO fast!
